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Assessment and Grading

Physical Science Assessment and Grading

Too often in the past, students that demonstrated habits such as not turning work, behaving inappropriately in class or not working well in groups have received low grades even though they had mastered the academic standards. Conversely, students who did what they were told and behaved well could receive a high grade even though they did not master the standards. Neither of these scenarios is an accurate reflection of what a student knows and can do.


The purpose of grading in Issaquah School District is to show the current level of academic performance of students. Not that behavior and work habits are not important, but they are different than academic performance and should be communicated separately. The Issaquah School District is currently piloting and revising our grading practices to more accurately reflect the performance of the whole student by reporting on academic performance and habits called "Success Indicators" separately. This year marks the fourth year of my participation in this project and I am part of the team that is testing and refining the process with the goal that it will be implemented district wide in the near future.   


Assessing a Student’s Academic Learning: The Letter Grade

This is a Standards Based class. That means that the letter grade is based on how well students able perform on clearly defined standards. Scores for each learning target will be listed in across three categories category in Skyward: Content Assessments (ContAssess), Labs and Engineering Projects (EngProj).



Content standards are evaluated on a four-point scale used to indicate a student’s level of mastery. I am using a modified 4 point scale that, for now, has to correspond to percentages for letter grades.

  • 4 is 100%  - A

  • 3.7 is a 92% - A-

  • 3.4 is an 85% - B

  • 3 is a 75% - C

  • 2.6 is a 65% - D

  • 2 is 50% - F


All learning target assessments are scored this same way, with the same points possible. (Click on the picture to see it larger)








Science and Engineering Practices

Science and Engineering Learning Targets - such as Scientific Explanations, Lab Reports, Engineering Projects and Notebooks are also evaluated on the four-point scale, but with more detail in how they performed over multiple criteria in each target. Each learning target evaluation will look similar to the one below and include how they performed in each criteria. In the example below, the student scored well in all categories except in “Accept or reject hypothesis” and “Support with data”. How to improve is indicated with an “x” in the “How to Fix it” column. The standard score is derived using the same rubric as the content targets


















Content Assessment: Assessments can be retaken in order to improve a student’s grade. Tests are retaken through either an interview process where students can explain their thinking or by taking new test based on the same learning target. The process is as follows:

  1. Student schedules a time, out side of normal class time, to retake test

  2. At the appointed time, student brings the old test, their completed study guide and the completes the online "Test retake form"

  3. Student answers questions similar to the ones they missed on the original test

  4. Test score is changed, if appropriate, to reflect their level of mastery (no averages or maximum score. Their level of mastery is reflected by the most recent attempt. If the retake is lower, their grade will also be lower)


Science and Engineering Practices Assessment: Assessments can be redone to show mastery of the learning targets associated with them.  They need only to resubmit the learning targets they are trying to improve. The process is as follows:

  1. Student completes and resubmits project part they needed to improve.

  2. Student completes the on-line "Resubmission form"

  3. Student brings the original project evaluation and turns it in

  4. Test score is changed, if appropriate, to reflect their level of mastery (no averages or maximum score)



Quizzes are formative assessments that provide information to students, parents and the teacher about how they are progressing in their learning. They are open note and have a small impact on the grade. Because they are formative in nature, students can retake them until the get the score they want. 


Assessing the Student Habits (Recorded, but does not influence the letter grade)

Success Indicators

Evaluation of behaviors not reflective of academic learning will be clearly separated to get a clearer picture of each student’s strengths and weaknesses as a student. Students will be evaluated in the following four non-academic areas. Each of the four areas will be reported on the report card based on the following three-point scale.






Work Habits  Reveals how well the student comes to class prepared and turns in quality, complete, on-time work. A score of “3” indicates that the student consistently comes to class prepared and produces high quality, complete, on-time work. Students who score a  "3"  have turned in their work on time 90-100% 0f the time. Students who receive a "2" were on-time 70-89% of the time. Students who receive a "1" were on-time less than 70% of the time. 


Initiative Reveals how active the child is in taking ownership of their learning. A score of “3” indicates that the student consistently asks questions, seeks help, retakes tests (when needed) and turns in missing work promptly. Scores are lowered if students do not take advantage of the assessment retake system, or do not turn in work that was missing or incomplete. 


Collaboration – Reveals the student’s ability to participate fully as an effective team member in class discussions as well as group activities/labs. A score of “3” indicates that the student consistently participates productively, stays focused and works in an inclusive manner. Student scores lowered when they wander to other groups, let other people do all the work, take over and try to control everything that happens in the group without considering others ideas etc...


Citizenship  Reveals the discipline and self-control of the student in the routines of class. A score of “3” indicates that the student consistently follows rules, respects others and completes work with honesty and integrity. Student score will be lowered when they consistently talk when they not supposed to, act in ways that disrupt the functioning of the class, use their phones of other electronic devices when not appropriate, falsify records of evaluation of their own or a peers work,   etc...


Assignments (Homework/classwork) 

Assignments are anything the class does in the learning process including practice tests, readings, reflections, lab write ups etc. These are not evaluated for correctness because students are learning and growing as they do them. We will go over them in class and students need to revise their answers based upon what they learn in the class discussions. These assignments are evaluated by their peers for completeness before class discussions begin.
















This form is filled out for each person in each group for each assignment.

  • Reviewers circle the level of completeness for each person and indicate the level of understanding. (It is important to me – Mr. Burgard – to understand if the assignment made sense.)

  • If someone is absent, their name is written and  “AB” is circled. Students will receive full credit when the assignment is turned in.

  • If the assignment is not done at all or incomplete, students must complete a Missing Assignment Form (Below).


Missing/Incomplete Assignment

Missing Assignments Forms are turned in at the beginning of the period that the assignment is due.

















  • Assignment is scored as a “0” or "1"  and the reason given is recorded in Skyward

  • Missing Assignment Forms are returned to students within 24-48 hrs. To receive credit for the assignment, another student must verify the work is completed by signing the bottom of the Missing Assignment Form. Then, the form must be turned in again for credit.

  • When the signed missing assignment form is returned, the score in skyward is changed to a score of 3, with a late designation in the comment section. The amount of late work is used when considering a student "Work Habits" score

  • If a student is consistently late or incomplete work in their work, steps will be taken to help the student identify and correct the issue. 
















































Grades will be based on the following categories that will appear in Skyward:


Academic Letter Grade  is based on:    

  • Content Assessments          65%

  • Projects                                25%

  • Quizzes                                 5%

  • Notebook                              5%

  • Daily assignments                0%


Success Indicators: Each of the four areas below  are evaluated on a 1-3 scale, but do not average into the academic grade. They will appear in the comments section of the report card and progress reports.

  • Work Ethic                       

  • Collaboration                   

  • Citizenship                       

  • Initiative                   


Course Grades will be determined using the standard Issaquah School District grading scale and will be continually updated as close to real time as possible as the year progresses. 










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